[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.4.1 - May 26, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] 7torrents scraper is back and no longer behind Cloudflare, for now.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] btdig scraper removed, reCaptcha.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.4.0 - May 20, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed issue with custom Undesirables input not converted to .lower().[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Undesirables list is now a windows property for speed of access.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] All settings are now converted to using window properties for speed.
    Kodi's .getSetting() is extremely slow.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.3.9 - May 19, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Improved CAM detection of source links where 1080p and 720p
    may also be present in release_link.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] "1xbet" and "betwin" have been added to CAM detection.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.3.8 - May 18, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Torrent.tm site appears dead so scraper is removed.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added new Undesirables customization list where you can now
    enable or disable individual groups.  You can also add
    your own specific group you may dislike.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed gdrive scraper not setting Info for 3D links.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.3.7 - April 13, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Updated cfscrape(aka cloudscraper) to v1.2.58.  Note Venomous
    removed py2 support so this is a modified version to keep
    py2 support.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.3.6 - April 05, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Removed skytorrent scraper, Cloudflare v2 challenge.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Removed Cloudflare logging entry left behind and was spamming
    the FenomScrapers log.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed issue with show pack filtering missing removal of some
    obscure named pack files that did not apply to
    current episode of a season.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.3.5 - March 26, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed title check failures on "vs." and "v." in meta titles.  This
    caused no sources returned[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.3.4 - March 16, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Matrix fix for xbmc.translatePath.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed bogus log error from torrentparadise scraper.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Note btscene has returned so will not be removing.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] skytorrents appears to have gone Cloudflare v2 challenge.  Will
    remove in future update.  Suggest to turn off.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] gdrive scraper title checking has been improved.  There is also a
    new setting option to disable the title checking if you feel a
    title is in your gdrive but is not being pulled in.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.3.3 - March 12, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] btscene is now off by default.  Site appears to be dead and gone.
    Will leave for a week and if not returned it will be removed.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added new torrent scraper, torrentparadise.  Scraper is on by default
    since it is an api and extremely fast.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.3.2 - March 06, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Matrix(py3) compatibility update.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.3.1 - Feb. 20, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Enhancements to EasyNews title check.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added setting to disable EasyNews title
    check, see new Help file.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.3.0 - Feb. 17, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] EXT torrent scraper has been removed due to Cloudflare v2 challenge.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] New torrent scraper added, TORRENTTM.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Default enabled scrapers updated.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] It has been decided that since RD is the only debrid provider that
    terminates a cache check request upon receiving magnets with
    BASE32 encoded hashes that the addon should deal with this.
    RD would require these BASE32 encodes to be converted to
    HEX while AD and PM do the conversions for you.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.2.9 - Feb. 14, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] EXT torrent scraper appears down and has be set to off by default.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] EZTV site seems to return invalid magnets where the hash is less
    than the required 40 character length.  All scrapers now have a check
    added for this.  Real-Debrid terminates a request if it receives one of
    these invalid magnets.  This should improve addons cache check
    results with RD.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.2.8 - Feb. 10, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] RLSBB works once again.  Few tweaks for query of older titles.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed EXT torrent scraper.  Site was switched to cloudflare v2
    challenge now but proxy found.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed bogus log errors in BT4G and ISOHUNT2.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.2.7 - Feb. 02, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added threading to "torrentfunk" and yourbittorent" for pack
    file scaping performance increase.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added priority to "torrentInfo" help file.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Modules cleanup of unused functions.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.2.6 - Jan. 31, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed "torrentapi". Site is now behind cloudflare so cfscrape has
    been added.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed "isohunt2".  This is a 2 request scraper and has now been
    converted to threaded second request of result links.  Now
    significantly faster.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Updated cfscrape(aka cloudscraper) to v1.2.56.  Note Venomous
    removed py2 support so this is a modified version to keep
    py2 support.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Significant changes to regex patterns for efficiency, step
    reducing and to minimize backtracking.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Improvements to filtering out single foreign audio only sources.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.2.5 - Jan. 22, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] fixed "btdb" for changes to html elements. Working once again.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] fixed "easynews" filter for episodes failed.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.2.4 - Jan. 17, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] new proxy for "skytorrents". Works once again.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.2.3 - Jan. 17, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added "btdig" torrent scraper.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] "easynews" scraper update.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] "furk" scraper update.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] "idope" scraper rewritten for new proxy site. Works once again.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] "rlsbb" proxy now v2 challenge.  Will remove in next update if
    proxy not found.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] "source_utils" module update to support year range checks of titles.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.2.2 - Jan. 15, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] fixed typo in "bt4g" scraper.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.2.1 - Jan. 15, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] new proxy to fix "btdb" scraper due to new v2 challenge.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] new proxy to fix "extratorrent" scraper due to new v2 challenge.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] "skytorrents" scraper removed due to new v2 challenge.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] new "bt4g" torrent scraper added.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] "idope" scraper appears to now be v2 challange as of today.
    Will remove in next update if proxy not found.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.2.0 - Jan. 08, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] rlsbb has been completely rewritten to better parse the
    sites comment section.  This now produces more
    accurate results.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] cfscrape(aka cloudscraper) has been updated to v1.2.52.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] kickass2 now uses the query param for file size and
    sort=desc.  Better quality results are now returned.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.1.9 - Jan. 04, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Removed 2ddl scraper lost to Cloudflare v2 challenge.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] rapidmoviez scraper was resurrected in v1.17 and I
    neglected to list that in changelog.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] rlsbb scraper has been resurrected and using a new
    proxy that is not Cloudflare v2 challenge.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.1.8 - Jan. 01, 2021[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added "exkinoray" group filter to undesirables.
    Removes single Russian audio trakts.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Updated "easynews" title check for better title matches.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.1.7 - Dec. 30, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] 7torrents torrent scraper removed due to Cloudflare v2
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Moviemagnet torrent scraper removed, site appears to
    be dead.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Removed rlsbb and watchseries hosters due to
    Cloudflare v2 challenge.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Removed ganool, onlineseries, and watchseriestv
    hosters.  Hosters appear to be dead.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Updated all scrapers to pass "link_name" to
    be shown by addon.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Item above now allows source select to be shown with
     "link_name" for all vs. old standard info line.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Removed 5movies, cartoonhd, filmxy, watchepisodes, and
    watchserieshd.  These sites do not provide the minimum
    standard of file info for addon display so they are removed.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added new Heading section groups to "Premium Hosters".
    Account Required scrapers, and Local Scrapers are now
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Removed unused modules for above changes.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Removed unused functions for above changes.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.1.6 - Dec. 18, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Moviemagnet.co looks to be dead and gone.  Scraper
    is now removed.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Solidtorrents site is back to working so default switched
    to "ON".[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Solidtorrents was previously incorrectly listed as a single
    html request site. Solidtorrents is an api and has been
    fixed in the "torrentInfo" file.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed a few "release_title" format issues.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.1.5 - Dec. 3, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] 7torrents scraper switched base_url to "7torrents.cc"
    since "7torr.com" is a btscene mirror.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Torrentz2 new domain and back to working again.
     New domain is now a single request with magnets
    on results page so the scraper has also been
    converted to pack capable.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added torrent specific Help info to the "Torrents"
    category in Settings.  This lists what torrents are api
    requests, single html parsed, and two request html
    parsed(slow). Also lists which scrapers use cfscrape module.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added "Clean Settings File" action to the "General"
    category in Settings. This will also auto run when
    a new update install detected.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.1.4 - Nov. 30, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] YTS scraper has been re-written to utilize the yts.mx api.
    the query uses the imdb_id so results are now more
    accurate than before.  File size is also returned in the
    api response that we did not have site wide before.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Torrentz2 and Solidtorrents has been down for a few days
    now so their default has been switched to "false".[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.1.3 - Nov. 28, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added a new filter to all scrapers for query results when
    a movie title exists and a show with same tile and year
    also exists.  The new filter will now check Movie results
    for season info and remove those results.  A perfect
    example is the movie "Run (2020)" a show also exists
    with the same title and previously returned results.
    The new filter will now remove those show results.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.1.2 - Nov. 20, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed eztv torrent scraper.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] extratorrent scraper resurrected.  Scraper has also
    been converted to pack capable.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed some bogus log errors when url timeout occurs.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.1.1 - Oct. 30, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed duplicate entry in settings.xml for Easynews.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added fanart.png for addon.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.1.0 - Oct. 29, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added Google Drive scraper. See url setup
    in "My Accounts" addon.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Removed extratorrent scraper.  Main site
    is gone and proxy mirror's query returns
    useless results.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.9 - Oct. 13, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed typo in previous eztv query change.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Removed release_year from trakt aliases.  This
    caused the title check for some random shows
    to fails.  This should fix the random issues for
    you "Big Brother" show fans.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.8 - Oct. 12, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Filter tweaks for better alias title matching.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Switched piratebay(pack files only), torrentapi,
    and torrentgalaxy(movies and pack files) to now
    use imdb_id for query.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed ext.to retreives random ".\." in magnet
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed eztv title query for meta titles containing
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Updated cfscrape to v1.2.48.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.7 - Oct. 9, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added "ext.to" torrent scraper.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fix for "My Accounts" sync notification not
    being displayed.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Few default scraper changes.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.6 - Oct. 5, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] fixed skytorrents scraper for url change.[/I]
COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] btdb scraper resurrected.  Site has reverted back to
    non-cloudflare v2 challenge.  Scraper is also now
    pack capable[/I]
COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] torrentz2 scraper resurrected.  Site has reverted back to
    non-cloudflare v2 challenge.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.5 - Oct. 3, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added Danish translation. Huge thanks to TINUZ97!![/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Code changes for My Accounts compatibility.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.4 - Sept. 30, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed library scraper.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Couple more tweaks to show packs filter.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Cleanup of unneeded modules and functions.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Added ENG translation file.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.3 - Sept. 29, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed Library scraper error halting results.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed filepursuit api key failing to import from
    "My Accounts".[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Fixed toggle for Pack Capable scrapers to first disable
    all torrents and then enable pack capable only scrapers.[/I]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Few filter tweaks for show packs returning out of range
    results when season separator was a tilde mark.[/I]

[B][COLOR red]Update - v1.0.2 - Sept. 25, 2020[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR yellow]--[/COLOR][I] Initial commit.[/I]