[COLOR dodgerblue][B]Trakt Cache[/B][/COLOR] [I]Fen caches nearly all data from Trakt as it is accessed. There is a setting in Fen located at Settings->Trakt->Trakt Cache->Trakt Cache Duration that will allow you to change the cache's duration to 1 hour, 1 day or 1 week. To choose the duration that is right for you, follow this tip: If you constantly watch media from other sources than Fen, or constantly make changes on the Trakt website, then set the cache duration to [B]1 hour[/B]. This will make Fen check back in to Trakt when needed for new info after an hour. If you sometimes watch media from other sources than Fen, and sometimes make changes on the Trakt website, then set the cache duration to [B]1 day[/B]. Fen will check back for fresh Trakt info when needed once per day. If you pretty much only use Fen to watch media, and rarely make changes on the Trakt website, then set the cache duration to [B]1 week[/B]. If you can't wait for the cache to refresh, you can reset it in Tools->Clear List and Data Info->Clear Trakt Cache. You can also tell Fen to refresh Trakt info on demand on each new Kodi startup by setting 'Refresh Trakt Cache on Each Kodi Stratup' in Settings->Trakt->Trakt Cache.[/I]