[COLOR dodgerblue][B]Sync Fen Watched Info with Trakt Watched Info[/B][/COLOR] [I]In Settings->General->Watched Indicators you can set whether you want Trakt or Fen itself to provide the info for your watched status of Movies and episodes. If you choose Trakt, a setting appears called 'Sync Fen Watched Info with Trakt Watched Info'. This option will copy Trakt's watched info to the Fen watched database, and will subsequently also mark media as watched in the Fen database if you mark it watched through Trakt. This serves as a 'backup' for people who use Trakt. When the Trakt API is down, you can go to Settings->Playback->Indicators and change the Watched Status Provider to Fen, and it will mimic your Trakt watched history. Once Trakt comes back online, you can simply switch back over to Trakt as your Watched Status Provider.[/I]